by rayd » Thu Sep 29, 2011 11:24 pm
Yes, I would like to know what is the purpose of this forum. Does anyone really know at this point? It still has not progressed forward. What is this, some guilt complex, nastiness, 2 face responses? What already? Many of us are older guys.... we've had our careers, jobs/family work, life experience, and we can be forgetful, yes even grumpy. Most here seem nice, not all, some are like 50/50. Cut us some slack though. I've asked for some help and got it, also I've asked and got some wisecrack type answers. No names, no hard feelings...which is why I'm not dropping out, yet. Yeah, I'm on the soap box....some of you need a lecture, maybe not, but seems this site is not gonna make it...bickering will do it in. Some are not seeing the trees in the forest. And there are some know-it-all types. Fine. We don't know it all. Help us, lose us, or be quiet. The young folk, for the most part, aren't interested in craftsman stuff, so its basically us.
This seemed a nice place 2 1/2 months ago when I signed on, for a stupid thing like what kind of glue to use these days. Then as time went by, I saw it not being so nice....yes, people post their nice builds, which are admittedly impressive, but I'm in this for fun and was hoping to pick up some tips, or learn forgotten "stuff" or find out about newer supplies nowadays. I was capable of using past knowledge in helping others to a point, and enjoyed doing it. I don't anymore...frankly, I think members may refrain from logging in as much now owing to potential wisenheimer wisecracks, sometimes mixed into the pot of niceness with unresolved issues. Frankly, it's embarrasing posting this, but I think necessary. No excuses, what's done is done....move on, now, or settle for just a small clique of members until Guillows or webmaster pulls the plug. Feel free to remove this post from the thread if you so desire. Sleep well