I not going to bid on the P-39, but I am watching another kit... a Sterling ship model of a C-2 "American Scout" The model is over 4 feet long. I remember seeing the finished model in a hobby shop when I was a kid. I am not old enough to have worked on that ship though. It would make a nice display model for my Union Hall... US Lines is out of business and was an East Coast company. I am sure I could paint it up to be an APL ship. Back in the day the shipping companies would buy the same ship as the C-2 is a standard 5 hatch design Cargo Ship. I am old enough to have worked on a "Boom" ship. This ship has cargo booms and gear. During my year at sea as a Midshipman I trained on Farrell Lines, and Moore-McCormick Lines, both of those ships were "Boom Ships" I also trained on 3 other vessels, those were "modern" Container-ships and a Tanker... Okay, I starting to feel old...
...at least I didn't spend "2 years before the Mast".
I might let this go and see if he re-posts it at a cheaper price...thinking...
http://www.ebay.com/itm/231337386944?_t ... EBIDX%3AITokay...okay, I know I'm getting off topic but I just found this also doing some research on C-2's
http://www.usmm.org/mayaguez.htmlI remember when this ship was taken. It was very big news for us, as I was at the Academy when this happened. The ship was first built as the S.S. White Falcon, then converted to a container-ship by Sea-Land Service. So if I buy this kit, I would build it as the White Falcon... now I really have a link to my own history and memories... Mitch