by Chris A. » Thu Dec 21, 2017 5:59 pm
Spitfire wings can be problematic due to their elliptical shape. As the wing is curved both span wise and across the chord, it is a shallow compound shape. Start by covering the bottom first as you can use one piece. Put glue only around the wing panel. Check your tissue to see what direction the fibers run. You want the fibers to run along the span length, not across the wing chord. Glue, spray and pin down to keep the panel from curling. Let dry.
As for the top of the wing panel, consider cutting the tissue into three pieces, span wise, you can run one strip from the front part of the fuselage rib to the tip rib and from the leading edge to the main spar with 50/50 white glue/water applied to the leading edge, fuselage rib top , main spar and front of tip rib. The second piece is from the back of the fuselage rib to the main spar to the trailing edge and to the back side of the tip rib. The third tissue piece is just from the top of both front and rear of the tip rib to cover the entire tip. Try not to pull too tight. What I did then was to pin the entire covered wing panel over Saran wrap on the build board, not pinning through the wood, but using the pins to angle clamp the wing panel to the board. Then lightly spray the entire panel with a water mist. And leave it to completely dry while clamped. When the panel is dry, check for warps.