Thank you, Scott, for your comments. Here are pictures and data for the C-46 'zip' model. Our fifth airplane ride was in a C-46, courtesy of the USAF and the Civil Air Patrol. We were in high school and a CAP cadet. The CAP along with model airplanes provided us with some of our happiest and most memorable experiences during those years. The drill team that we belonged to won the state and regional competition in 1957. The national competition was at Mitchell Field in New York. The USAF generously provided transportation to and from Mitchell. They flew us there in a C-119 and the return flight was in a C-46.
We were able to snap this picture of the C-46 that flew us from Mitchell Field to England AFB, Louisiana.
The kitted C-46. We made two copies of the fuselage to get a pattern for the nacelle. Once the patterns are made, construction is quick. We save and file the patterns for future reference. For many of these small models, we enlarge the wing and horizontal tail for better flying ability.
Gluing up the fuselage and wing. Most of the markings are applied with a
ballpoint pen prior to assembly. The Electra will be our next 'zip' model.
The slots cut in the front of the fuselage and nacelles will contain the lead
pellets used for balance. When the doublers are glued in place, the slots
become pilot holes and are drilled out with a hand held drill bit to accept the pellets.
The C-46 ready for final assembly.
Presto! The C-46 almost ready to fly: drill out the holes for the lead pellets, preliminary balance job, add the thread to the wing tip, and off to the back yard for a test flight. The slots for the wing and hor. tail are snug enough, so test flights will be made without gluing them in place.
The C-46 in flight. One can almost imagine one of these hauling a load of
freight over the 'Hump' during WW2.
While not as popular as the C-47, the C-46 could haul more weight and did a great deal of resupply work in the far east. After WW2, Claire Chennault used these aircraft for his airline in China. Later, Air America also used the C-46.
Building this model was a pleasurable wander down memory lane, enjoy.