If it is a rubber powered model, I think you are running down a blind alley. The one, huge overwhelming flaw in all Guillows kits that are designed for rubber power is the cowl and complete lack of ability to change the thrust line for trimming. Without the thrust adjustment ability, the chances of successful flights are almost zero---or due to just luck. Do a search for the models of "Mitch" on here as he has done some great work on this very thing and his airplanes fly like gangbusters. The cowls on his models are now fixed and the motors are loaded through an opening where the thrust adjustments are made. Here is thread on his Me109 and notice that while one has a removable cowl, it really is not necessary and the next version has a fixed cowl:
Look for his other threads and see his examples on his Hellcat and FW190. Guillows cowls are for looks but, regrettably, not functionality.