Well, my Master Airscrews balsa wood stripper arrived in the mail Friday. Seems like manufacturing this tool has been outsourced to China. No big surprise here, I guess they will start outsourcing tobacco to China soon

I can remember when the textile factories here in North Carolina were running three shifts

And there were some real good jobs in the furniture industry too. Now all of these one stop light towns here in Carolina are dead. But this is politics and this is a model airplane forum so I'll stop with their sending all of the jobs to China rant

The balsa wood stripper I got had to be fine tuned and I had to do a lot of sanding to get it to work properly. It looks like a guy could buy a well-made tool. I have seen some nice balsa wood stripping tools for sale on some of the Brittish mail order websites but they never responded to my emails so I guess they don't sell to Americans

Some outfit called A to Z had copies of the old Jim Jone's stripping tool but it looks like they went belly up