If interested, there's a pretty good diagram, printwood and all, for the Lockheed straight wing Starfire F94C, about 25" ws once kitted by Comet. Scratchbuild though, but plan shown looks good, clear, comprehensive. Designed for Jetex and those Rapier (one shot deal engines--both likely tough to get here..maybe easier elsewhere.) Plane diagram is on Page 10 of the Plans section on Hippocket site. If you need HPA link, I'll get it for you. Registration and log-in can be tedious, but lots of good stuff when navigation becomes familiar, and as with outerzone, a UK site, it is for scratchbuilding out of print "stuff" in public domain or older material. May be helpful somehow. You could get lost there, so much good "stuff" and I never experienced problems. A cousin of mine served in the Korean war/conflict...he never talks about it, ever.