I have posted here in the past and value all of the tips I have gotten from all of you, so here is my idea:
I am a mathematics teacher at a middle school and I have been thinking of starting a model airplane club after school to get kids interested in "stick and tissue" modeling. I am currently building a Kit 602 Piper Super Cub and a 500 series Spitfire after having completed a P40 and a FW190. I am relatively new at building, having last attempted any of these models over 30 years ago when I was a teenager.
I figure that Guillows kits are reasonably priced so that beginners, such as the kids who would join the club could afford to purchase a Piper Cub or other Junior Contest model. I have a basic idea as far as what additional building supplies would be needed, such as straight pins, white glue, and acrylic paints. I also will have to get the idea of hobby knives passed through the administration, and do not foresee a problem if strict security of the knives is adhered to. Workboards are another issue, yet I imagine something like old ceiling tiles could be put to use for those?
My question to the board is, am I missing anything? and I also would appreciate any suggestions or tips any of you may give.
I feel this would be a great way to insure that the art of builidng these models is not lost and that there will be a future for companies like Guillows. Even if I only get 1 or 2 kids to participate it would be worth my time and effort.