Hello Everyone I was wondering who makes the sharpest blades X-Acto or Excel? And what about the surgical scalpel blades? I was going into the woodworking business back in 1999. Had myself a shop and everything, then my Mother had a stroke and my older sisters cheated me out of my inheritance, I lost everything I had and came close to," well you know doing a permanent solution to a tempory problem kind of thing

". Anyways back then I was spending all of my money on the tools of the woodworking trade. I got a lot of catalogs from different companies, there was one outfit that sold Japanese woodworking tools. I bought the Japanese water stones and got really good at putting an edge on carving tools. The Japanese make a green stropping compound and I took an old belt sander and an old wide leather belt," Back in the 70's all of the Dudes wore those lower rider bell bottom jeans with the wide leather belts"

. Well, I found this old wide leather belt at my Mom's house and sewed the two ends together and made a power strop. Then I loaded it up with this green Japanese stropping compound, I could hear or maybe feel the abrasives in this stuff cutting the high carbon steel blades of my carving gouges and chisels. This stuff would have the hard metal shining like new money, and the edges were sooo! Sharpe! I could hold the edges under a bright light and it,"the edges" would split the light! All you had to do was touch those tools to a piece of wood and it would cut sooo smooth! Of course, my older sisters cheated me out of the home place and the shop I spent a lot of money on

. It's amazing what a woman can do when she gets a lawyer.

I lost and I mean big time had a nervous breakdown and everybody who knows me says that I haven't been the same since, but we can not change the past.

So what do you guys think? Are the X-Acto blades sharper than the Excel? Who makes the best blades for cutting balsa wood?