by SteveM » Tue Jun 14, 2011 10:59 am
I think Guillow's is generally considered the leader in good plans and instructions, but lacking in wood quality. They produce on a mass scale and are available nearly globally.
I've found Dumas to have average to horrendous plans and instructions with wood that was either very good or so soft and punky that stringers break under a light coating of dust. I keep wanting to like them, but my hobby should not frustrate me so I don't plan to build any more any time soon.
A lot of the other kits are aimed primarily at free flight and as such tend to come in a small box with a small bundle of wood and possibly a canopy. Scale details are generally left off in favor of better flight characteristics.
I do have an Easy Built Bristol Beaufighter that I got with some other kits and it's not a plane I see available in wood very often. It comes with the plans, generic assembly instructions, tissue, decals, clear plastic sheet, two clear plastic canopy pieces, 5 blocks of balsa, 6 pieces of fair quality print wood, and a bunch of balsa stick wood that also appears to be of good quality. From what I can see in the plans it has a very light and delicate construction you would expect from plans dated 1943. The original plans would have you scrounge around your house for cellophane for the canopy, but Easy Built has provided an average quality vacuum formed canopy which really brings these old plans up to date.
Every manufacturer has a little something about their kits to love and hate so try a few and see what you like.