by cliffm » Mon Aug 15, 2011 8:00 pm
A couple years ago I made some inquiries about brushes and not recieving any replies went through the journey of the perfect brushes. Being the hard-head that I am the process started with el-cheapo deluxe models and ran the gamut to the Grumbachers, Cornel&lowell and another made in china brand called Gam which are right up there in quality with the others and about 1/2 the price. I found myself looking for brushes every where I went, because I live in the sticks and craft shops,LHS's,are few and far between. Amid all this perusing I discovered the airbrush, and this for an amateur painter is the answer to a smooth even finish without needing the experience required in using a brush,which to get a smooth even finish over a large area requires more than a beginners touch, plus the added frustration of the brush hair in the middle of your beautifully finished item. Yes, brushes are a necessary implement and the air brush has become my favorite.