I'm going to build a 500 series Hellcat for my next build and I'd like to try making the cowl out of balsa instead of using the Guillows plastic one. I think it'd be a neat project, though a time-consuming one.
Has anyone here ever made a large cowl out of balsa instead of plastic? I did one for the 900-series Chipmunk that I built by laminating 4 x 1/16" balsa pieces (glued cross-grain) and sanding to shape. That was easy because it was so small.
If I were to do this, would it be better to laminate the balsa into one solid cowl-shaped piece and hollow it out later or laminate a bunch or "rings" that are would leave the middle already hollowed out?
I've always had to add nose weight so I'm hoping this idea won't add too much weight to start with. I also plan on replacing most of the kit wood. Some of it was fine but what I found is that when there's two duplicate sheets in a kit, one is incredibly hard balsa and the other is nice, soft and crushed. The hard balsa should make fine templates for replacement parts.
I'd love to hear what those of you that are far more experience than I think about this. Thanks.