Phugoid wrote:Hi Guys,
Without a doubt these kits have a few problems, but you can't blame the kits for all of the problems that are being experienced. For instance you cannot blame the difference in the two fuselage sides for the banana fuselage per se, the two sides come from identical die cut sheets, cut with the same die on the same machine. They are - to all intents and purposes the same. You could blame the stiffness of the balsa, but the sheets look to be a similar density (thus stiffness) to me but I wouldn't know exactly without being there so you might be able to comment on that.
Phugoid wrote:Hi Tom,
Don't worry about the dihedral at this stage if you missed it, you can put a couple of shims in between the bottom of the root rib and the fuselage when the wing is fitted, if done carefully it will be strong and get the desired effect, without really being seen.....
The dihedral is required for stability, so don't just build it with flat wings....
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