The Guillows Hellcat canopy should be good. Gotta love a canopy like the Hellcat, where you can simply trim the bottom to change the scale a bit. For your 17" span, I imagine the smaller Guillows Hellcat canopy should be perfect. I'd be half tempted to buy the entire kit, and bash it into a Wildcat. I remember the kit having some of the better die cut and better fitting parts, of the Guillows die-cut kits.
Phugoid wrote:Bill's advice is good since the Guillows canopies are very heavy ( as are most kit canopies) they can be over a gramme, or 10% or the airframe weight of a model this size.
That's part of what got me into making them. Some of the heavier canopies, like the older Sig canopies, really weighed. When I started building planes like 30mm EDFs with 12mm inrunners and the older lower power lipos, the weight was really critical. The Guillows canopies are lighter than the Sig bulletproof glass,
but for lighter weight a thinner plastic can still be used.