Wow, I am impressed...Second model and you are into the 1000 series, way to go.
Let me see if I can give some advice. I have not built the kit but I have it, and just opened it up. You are referring to the K parts so I see you are building the retracts. I see your confusion and it may take me some time to figure it out also. So this gear not only folds up, it will rotate 90 degrees. This is a challenge...
First I can answer about the bottom left box "Retractable Landing Gear Wire Parts" There are 2 wires. N5 and N6. N6 is easy, one bend, so they show one view. N5 is shown in two views as there are 2 bends in different directions. The picture on the bottom right helps you visualize the parts.
I put in a few pictures for the rest of the builders to see what we are talking about.
Wires N5 and N6
Gear Down
Gear Rotating
Side View
I will study this more myself...
UPDATE: In the Action Plan is says see detail sheet. There is a sheet of paper in your kit 8 x 11 "Construction Details" There are detailed instructions for Retractable Landing Gear, with notes and pictures A to E. After you look that over let me know if it is clear, or if you need more help.