I found these light weight wheels in my toolbox.
I will try to cover them with paper, and see how the look. The Guillow 'light weight' wheels weigh 9 grams. My new wheels weigh 3 grams. But I had to add some ballast to get the model to balance at the proper position...
AUW with new wheels and ballast 52 grams.
The competition:
less than 42 grams, with a Gizmo Geezer prop set up. This is a Mike Midkiff design, built by an FAC Grand Champion, and one of my friends at FAC. I have been communicating with him and plan to fly with him and we will be up against the Fokkers and others!
I was timer for this model and although he flew well and should have gone to the second round in 'Mass Launch' he broke a prop on landing. No repairs alowed in Mass Launch. Three flights. So that is just some of my competition.
Kits of the SE5 / SE5a that are in production in the 18" ws range, that I am aware of:
1. DPC make laser replacement parts for Guillows
2. DPC has his own design
3. Easy Built Models
4. Mike Midkiff design
PS: I just opened up my EBM kit... I am always amazed on how little I get... There is not much to it, here are the plans:
The model only has 7 wing ribs, Guillows has 17. I think I did well on the tail. And the landing gear is even simpler than what I did... But I think the Guillow's model will look nicer at the beauty contest!
UPDATE: I just had to show you how little you get in the EBM kit. Here it is. I also get balsa sticks, but I do not even want to touch them as I am on my 2nd cup of coffee, and they will break.
I think it will be VERY challenging for me to build this kit... On a bright note, although both kits are 18 inch, Guillow's has a bigger wing cord, so I have a bit more wing area!