by Mitch » Sat Feb 21, 2015 8:00 pm
Welcome and I found this in one of my old posts:
1. Building Board: This can be a Balsa board, Ceiling Tile, I also have a Metal Sheet (for magnets)
2. Wax Paper: To cover the plans when building, some people use plastic wrap
3. Pins for building: I mostly use 1 inch T pins, I also recently found pin clamps
4. Cutting tools: X-acto knife with #11 blade, also straight razors and scissors
5. Adhesives: White Glue, 2 part epoxy, some people use CA type glues
6. Clamps: Different clamps for different uses. X-acto bar claps, small spring clamps, office clips
7. Sand Paper: different grades and sanding blocks
8. Square: Small x-acto square or similar
9. Files: A set of jewlers files will come in handy
10. Finishing: Dope, I now use a spray of Top Flight LusterKote (crystal clear), and paints
Not all are required, but having the right tool for the job will make your build easier and more enjoyable.