by Brenda » Wed Jan 14, 2015 8:57 am
I just bought a Sterling version at AMA Expo and got the wing done so far. I spoke to Dave over at DPC and found out AFTER I started the Sterling that DPC makes a laser cut kit DOH! Thus far the error in the Sterling is the dihedral. Me and my brain put two and two together and came out with purple. As a C/L plane the wing should be flat and I already built the wing. So looks like I'm going to have one rubber and one .049 powered now. Sometimes I wish I would engage brain before engage glue. This is my first WWI build ever, and I have no idea why but I really like the looks of the Fokker. So much drag from lines, cables, struts, and flat spots. But stitz and dope with perfect lines. I wonder if the orig plane was zigzag stitch with dope, straight stitch or no stitch. When I was 14 years old I would help the greatest A&P in the world work on airplanes. His name was Milton Spence. I helped him recover a Playboy, Starduster, Mong and a J3. He had a special pair of scissors that had a zigzag pattern on them and I would cut 1in "tape" that he would place over the seams. Milton had a hand needle and roll of thread and would stitch up the whole plane.
Wow ok trip down memory lane there. Perhaps Milton is the reason I only want to work with dope and poly glue (can't get poly in California so use SIG-Ment).