Wid's Guillow's kit 508 Stuka

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Re: Wid's Guillow's kit 508 Stuka

Postby WIDDOG » Thu Aug 06, 2015 12:33 am

I survived the sugary and am just now starting to feel better. I thank everyone for their prayers and well wishes. I plan on making a full recovery. This is my fave forum. I try to post stuff to keep the big topic board moving. Thanks to this forum I recently discovered that I was not winding my motors as effiently as I could be. Anyway I hope to be up and flying Guillow s models soon.
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Re: Wid's Guillow's kit 508 Stuka

Postby WIDDOG » Sat Aug 08, 2015 9:19 am

Perfect day for FF model flying. I am feeling good today. However, my doctor would not like me to be outside and get dyhydratred. So I 'm kind of grounded this weekend.
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Re: Wid's Guillow's kit 508 Stuka

Postby WIDDOG » Tue Aug 11, 2015 4:41 pm

I was able to wind in about 400 turns on these trims flights. I still don't have the rubber motor figured out yet. I think I will try 1/16 inch rubber thread next.
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Re: Wid's Guillow's kit 508 Stuka

Postby WIDDOG » Fri Aug 14, 2015 1:26 am

although this is a short flight it was the best flight I could get. I used 2 loops 1/8 inch rubber with a 7 inch prop. I think the kit is designed loo heavy for rubber power. I think I will go back to the 900 sires kits. https://youtu.be/z8F8Vw6Qhhw.
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Re: Wid's Guillow's kit 508 Stuka

Postby Bill Gaylord » Fri Aug 14, 2015 10:46 pm

Flies well. Good to hear you're doing better and hopefully well also. Given the small size and weight of the kit series, a good circuit or two is probably quite an achievement.
Bill Gaylord
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Re: Wid's Guillow's kit 508 Stuka

Postby WIDDOG » Sat Aug 15, 2015 4:30 am

Thanks Bill and yes I'm doing much better. I will have to do Chemo and Radiation therapy. The doctors and myself are very optomystic.

These kits are small, scale and multi purpose. I decided to return working on the 900 series kits. I would like to design a bf 110 someday.
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Re: Wid's Guillow's kit 508 Stuka

Postby davidchoate » Wed Aug 26, 2015 7:24 am

I always had way better glides on the 500planes than xpected. But never seriously tried to make one fly satisfactory. They usually ended up display planes I give to people. I am starting to have serious hangar space problems. The using of contest wood seems to have made an improvement. Those little things are heavy thoogh. I think there is too much wood in the B formers. I think the Stuka is the only one I have'nt done. I have a good baseline now. Thanks WIDDOG
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Re: Wid's Guillow's kit 508 Stuka

Postby WIDDOG » Wed Aug 26, 2015 3:17 pm

Thanks David BTW I'm a huge fan of your Guillow's RC conversions. Your posts really got me interested in learning to fly 4 ch RC. My RC flying has gotten better. I think I like rubber power FF a bit better. I am glad I did learn 4 ch RC flying though. I hope you do a FF build soon. BTW I use foamies to train with. I have had go luck with this WL Toy's plane. I crashed and re glued it several times but it keeps on going.

As for the 500 series kits I did use contest Balsa but I did not use any lighting techniques. Instead of laser cutting the 500 I think Guillow's should add more kits to the 900 series.
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Re: Wid's Guillow's kit 508 Stuka

Postby davidchoate » Wed Aug 26, 2015 7:47 pm

I agree. Not many new ones. But some really good old ones. They have a lot of old kits floating around still. I have a couple. I'm saving them for when I feel I am able to build with a little more confidence. I was surprised with the T-28 Trojan. I made it just out of boredom, and never intended to fly. Probably 7 or 8 coats of paint on. But seemed sorta close to balance. I test Glide it and it did perfect. I did better by luck than when I took consideration of it being able to fly in a controlled, or predictable way. And the other test glides of your planes You think are unacceptable would be to Me thought of as My best ever.
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Re: Wid's Guillow's kit 508 Stuka

Postby WIDDOG » Thu Aug 27, 2015 6:41 am

For an example I would re manufacture this pre 1970's Corsair. Seems like a nice kit. I think the wings are to weak. I reinforced with tape.


This guy really can fly some Free Flight. I can only hope that one day I can fly as well as this.

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Re: Wid's Guillow's kit 508 Stuka

Postby WIDDOG » Tue Sep 01, 2015 4:20 pm

I won this kit off of Ebay for $ 15. I always had an interest in gear reduced rubber motors. I think these kits where made in Japan. I think that gears would really make a huge difference on kits like the 500 series kits. I think that if the gears weighed 5 grams or less it would work.

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Re: Wid's Guillow's kit 508 Stuka

Postby NcGunny » Wed Sep 02, 2015 3:02 pm

I think thats the weakest point on the Corsair is the wing joint. I have even had styrene builds sag over time,last one I built was reenforced with some scrap carbon fiber i had and some tiny screw in stud/grommet deals I bought. Would be interseting to see a kit review of the new plane,motor sounds interesting. Gear reduction works on the principle of.less input to make more torque, i wonder if its the same principal like a gear reduction box for a wrench?
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Re: Wid's Guillow's kit 508 Stuka

Postby WIDDOG » Wed Sep 02, 2015 6:20 pm

Very interesting fix for the Corsair. My wing joint built per the instructions buckles under flying conditions. It is a real shame because it would be a good flyer if the wings where a bit stronger.

What i'm hoping for with gear reduction is to be able to use a thicker rubber motor. I would like instead of a short powerful burst I want a longer run time. I read up on it in books... I read that it does not work out very well. Is worth $15 plus Shipping and handling. I have been wanting this kit for sometime now. I know it has a large wing span. I really think that if the gears unit weighs less than five grams I would try it in a 500 Series kit.
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Re: Wid's Guillow's kit 508 Stuka

Postby NcGunny » Wed Sep 02, 2015 7:39 pm

I have read of people wrapping the joint of the corsair wing with old style Spider Wire fishing line and smearing some thin 2 part epoxy on the wood wrapped with the line. I am betting your gear reduction motor will keep the same rpm constantly. If that is the way it works you might be able to pack some serious length into it. (Might.be.time for.a blast tube) lol.
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Re: Wid's Guillow's kit 508 Stuka

Postby WIDDOG » Thu Sep 03, 2015 2:08 pm

The kit wing span is 18 inches and is a Balsa build up kit. The kit came with Gray Rubber. Also the rubber is still good. I tried it out on my Jimmie Allen model. It works much better than the Tan Rubber.
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