I know not a Guillows kit, but close. Same die crunched balsa and building format. We all remember Sterling kits, looked just like Guillows kits, great box art that lured you into buying a kit, also the dropping bombs was another hit. Once you opened the kit you discovered the same style of build as a Guillows kit. I would say Sterling kits had some good qualities such as the preformed wire landing gear that would not bust off like the Guillows and Comet "pin" method of attaching wheels. Also Sterling kits came with light weight silkspan that worked great compared to domestic tissue. A matter of fact, I learned how to wet cover using Sterling Silkspan. The build is pretty much like an older Guillows kit, do your best and punch out the parts, then sand to the shape of the parts on the plans. After the parts are taken care of the build goes pretty fast. I used Testors green wood glue, just like the old days for me. I built this for nostalgia but plan on flying with rubber. The wood is old and the kit smells like an old book store, man I love that smell. If you were around in the 70s and 80s you may recognize this kit being built on the Brady Bunch, Episode Alice September Song.