Haven't been by here for a while. After finishing my first-ever stick-and-tissue model, a Cessna 150, a few years back, I started in on an Arrow. I actually laid out the plans and stuck the stabilizer and rudder pieces to a bulletin board, but things stalled. Recently I was laid off, so I have time and energy to pursue geeky things again.
My brother gave me an Aeronica Champion for my birthday. I thought I'd finish the Arrow as a skill building before tackling that. (I also picked up other kits, including a few I found, intact, at thrift stores!)
I'm trying to be organized and flexible with this build. I have a "under the bed" plastic clothes storage box for keeping the pieces safe when I need the table for other things. (e.g., a model rocket launch next weekend.) I shifted another table so there's a space behind it, where I can store the bulletin boards when I need to set things aside for a while. (I actually have the Aeronica plans tacked out and covered with waxed paper. Kind of a committment to myself to keep the ball rolling.)
Let's see if Flickr's BB encode works.
Years back, I sliced and bundled the balsa stickage:
Organizing the Arrow's Parts by Stefan Jones, on Flickr
Finished the stabilizer and rudder:
Arrow Build: Stabilizer & Rudder by Stefan Jones, on Flickr
Done with the wing layout. I need to sand the trailing edge and sand smooth all around:
Arrow Build: Wing by Stefan Jones, on Flickr
I have the flat fusalage pieces laid out. Maybe I'll lift them off and glue the halves together this afternoon.