Squid61 wrote:Any recommendatations for a rubber powered kit to fly on a fixed-pole tether. I would assume a heavier center wing might be best but really don't know, never tried this before, nor do I know if ROG or hand launch is better.
When we do round the pole flying we launch ROG. The pole is about 36 inches tall and fitted to a plywood base that is weighted to keep it from traveling. On top of the pole is a nail sticking up. Use a box nail with a head, not a brad. The tether is a light line, usually about 15 feet long, with a paper clip tied at each end. The model has a paper clip glued to the wing tip in line with the center of gravity. To fly, slip the paper clip at one end of the line over the nail, gently pull the line taught and attach the paper clip on the other end of the line to the clip on the wing tip of the wound model. Set the model on the floor, keeping the line taught, aim the model slightly out of the circle of flight (that is very important to keep the line taught at take off) and release the model. Two lines can be used at the same time, from opposite sides of the pole, to hold races.
You need a model that will reliably ROG. You might want to practice this with Jetstreams or Strato Streaks before trying a built up model. Anything similar to the 600 series Piper and Cessna should work well. I haven't tried them but the 900 series models should work well.
Hope this helps.