by Xanadu » Tue Apr 03, 2007 6:26 pm
The plane was bit of a pian from day one, gave all kind of headaches. The wing centre center twisted and I had a heck of a time getting it out.
One of the rear stabs still gets a twist working, just does not want to stay even after lightly steaming.
My ca glues were still acting up for most of the build, so white glue was used making for slow cure times. Luckily near the end, the weather warmed and ca glues worked once again, that helped!
The prop was hand carved in three seperate blades, than mated togeather.
Took me an entire afternoon to carve it, then over night for glue to set.
Turned out much better than I expected. Only for show, not balanced, etc. but the rubber band will wind and turn it.
The matte finish is plain black acylic paint, no sealing coat.
Color scheme is basd on a few I found surfing the net one day, kinda combined them togeather. I never expected it to turn out as well as it did to be honest. It does look cool diving down towards me while I am working at the bench.
No mods really, I had so much trouble with it, I was not about to make it worse. The only things I did do was pull a David Duckett and put in the extra stringers on the wings and fuselage. Made a big differnce thats for sure!
Just a plain jane otherwise so to speak.
Thanks for all your comments! Made the build all worth while.