Lancer and Javelin Postal Contest
April 24-25,2021
For complete rules and how to submit entries we have a webpage.
Here is the link to official rules and how and when to submit scores.
After recently running a successful postal contest for the Peck-Polymers Sky Bunny. A decision was made to follow with another postal contest. After a short discussion we settled on the Lancer and Javelin model kits. These meet our goal of youth mentoring. We hope that members of the Guillow's users board will take interest in joining us. Postal contests are flown at any suitable location near you. Your single longest flight time is sent to the contest director by email. We hope you will also include a youngster or two in your build and flying adventures. Don't get crazy on your builds trying to win as these will be basically stock kit models. Landing gear is required and a standard 6" propeller. You can use that special rubber motor you have been saving, as we have no rules on rubber. We also have a Facebook group for this contest.
Guillow's Lancer and Javelin Postal Contest. Hope many of you will join in, as many have already been buying kits and digging them out from the to build pile.