by BillParker » Wed Feb 24, 2010 12:27 pm
The following tips contain editorial points of view that might be disturbing to younger or more sensitive viewers. Opinions in these tips reflect the views of the author, and do not necessarily reflect the views or opinions of Guillow's or any human being living or dead...
Reader discretion is advised...
Okay tips... let's see...
1.. Bellcrank. Make durned sure that you do it the way they show you in the plans. Don't get smart and re-do it outside the airplane. If you do, hang the plane on the ceiling and go buy a new one.
2.. Internal gas tank. Oh lord... You can't buy small external fuel tanks anymore. 2 oz. tanks are all I can find. Tried to order a 1.5 oz. tank online, but they didn't actually have em anymore. Guess how long a 1/2a motor will run on 1.5 oz. nitro fuel? Yeah... Now try 2 oz. Other problem, gas it up with 2 oz. of fuel in the nose and the plane doesn't balance anymore. (not that a 1/2a plane has to balance that perfectly) but it'll fly like a pissed of squirrel until you burn off enuff fuel... Lesson learned?: don't fill it up.
3.. Landing gear. Landing gear for U-Control on these plane needs to be 10 foot tall, invisible, and bullet proof. That is to say... If you're tying them on with a piece of string, (see the plans, I sh*t you not) hang it on the ceiling and go buy another one. I don't do the cross wing spar with a landing gear strut on each end. I build a wire and balsa sandwich and mount it in the wing, strengthening stuff as required. I'll post pics on the P-47 when I get there. Bottom line is the warbirds in the Guillow's line don't hand launch well, and even with somebuddy who knows how to hand launch it's hit or miss, so don't let your landing gear get busted. If you want to shoot touch and goes, do it with a plane designed for touch and goes... Follow?
4.. Firewall. Don't get me started on the vinyl firewall clusterpoop. Replace your vinyl firewall with a plywood job. If you keep the vinyl one, don't fly it in my neighborhood. You ain't living till you see a motor leave a plane behind. Oh, and... I don't care what kind of glue you used. Get a plywood firewall.
5.. Lines. 1/2a is generally about 30 foot. Depends on who you talk to. I've found closer to 26 foot is better with your GoldenBee and Texaco motors. The TeeDee .051's we'll be using should drag all of em around at 30 foot real nice.