Hi all,
Frst post here.
My 10 year old son got a FlyBoy model kit and has been building it with lots of fun (and a little bit of help of me). It's his first build, so it is not super neat, but I think he did a great job.
Last night he put everything together, but the thing that stumped us was the rubber band that powers the propellor. It seems to be way too long, and sits just propped up inside the fusilage. According to the instructions we tied the two loose ends together, so it is already half its original length. It doesn't really seem possible to wind it up to make the propellor spin. Also the nose bearing part sits loose in the hole on the front of the fusilage, which doesn't seem to help in getting the propellor to spin properly.
Did we miss something, do we need to trim the rubber band, or is this really the way it should be?