got some more progress done. fuse was covered dry on the sides, and wet on the top and bottom. i covered from the air intake back on the bottom dry. ive used the kit tissue. i will probably airbrush very lightly some silver.
left wing has 1/32" washout
beginning of the next wing.
i managed to make the fold (which is very annoying using this method) to flatten out quite a bit by folding it in the opposite direction. on the left wing, i messed up a bit, because i did not flatten the fold well enuff. the fold pulls the tissue up and causes too much slack.
i got a couple wrinkles on the left wing in the bottom right corner and just a couple formers down in the same spot. i guess i could have used a couple of gausets there. o well, lesson learned. hopefully they will disapear some more over night, which they probably will.